TUSANI "HAPPY" team 2008
4 Puppies (2 boys & 2 girls), no DS, all puppies correct
without mistakes

Offspring in breeding  puppies   pregnancy  mating


Macumazahn Tusani Pearl
Multi BISS, Multichampion Interchampion, Grandchampion
Best headed & Gaited RR 2003-4-6
breeder: P. Edgar
(imp. Australia)
Leoridge Musafah
NKSZ Club Winner-05, BISS
breeder: Leonora Leal

more pics by MT
Perla at shows


more pics by MT
Musafah at shows

Musafah's progeny

* 29/04/2002
63cm /32kg, wheaten colour
HD A/A, Elbow 0/0, OCD 0/0
full dentition, dark eyes
* 11/10/2002
69,5cm /43kg, red wheaten colour
HD A/A, Elbow 0/0, OCD 0/0
dark eyes, full dentition
gen for brown nose

Perla & Musafah are avarded title
"Best Dog Couple at the SKRR Club Show 2008"
 DOB: 2008, 13.november  
 offspring 4 (2♂ / 2♀) sex HD ED OCD LTV Height Teeth Quality, notes:
 Tusani Happy Hook A/A 0/0   neg 69     full standard
 Tusani Happy Hurricane              full standard, exp.Austria
 Tusani Happy Zippy A/A 0/0     64,5     full standard, thyroid neg, exp.CZ
 Tusani Happy Zaira A/A 0/0 neg neg 64     full standard

Spojenie Perla a Musafah je nepríbuzné spojenie. (viď rodokmeň šteniat) Na toto spojenie som sa už tešila od čias ich spoločných hier a dospievania. Bolo plánované s rozvahou a rozhodla som sa pre toto spojenie až pre Perline posledné krytie, až po získaní čím viac informácií o genotype Perly a Musafah a sledovaní ich potomstva. Typovo sú Perla a Musi veľmi vyrovnaný pár, obaja majú dobré exteriérové predpoklady dať pekné vyrovnané potomstvo. Obaja dali doteraz kvalitné vrhy bez vážnych chýb.

Silnou stránkou Musafah v chove je nielen pravdepodobný gén pre ridgovosť, ale aj z doterajších vrhov hodnotiac dáva štandardné a veľmi pekné dlhé symetrické ridge!
(viac o potomstve / prehľad vrhov, štatistiky)

Perla zas pekne (na môj vkus až tvrdohlavo) drží výšku v strede štandardu a vo vrhoch nemáva veľa bielej. Obaja majú tmavé oči a pekné hlavy, tak ako ich vyžaduje štandard plemena. Povahovo sú obaja typické nekonfliktné (skôr rodinné ako pracovné psy) mimoriadne pokojné, vyrovnané bez akéhokoľvek prejavu agresie či strachu. Jedinou slabou stránkou Musafah pri nesprávne volenom krytí je možná chudozubosť u časti potomstva. Pri krytí s Puppet som pochopila, že s ohľadom na možnú chudozubosť nie je vhodné spájať navzájom jedince, pochádzajúce z úzkych línií, aj keď sú generácie ich predkov plnochrupé. Perla má však na rozdiel od Puppet nízky koeficient príbuznosti a všetky jej doterajšie vrhy (3) sú plnochrupé, je teda vysoká pravdepodobnosť plnochrupého potomstva aj s Musafah.
Od tohto spojenia očakávam vyrovnaný vrh bez vážnych chýb, kvalitný exteriér, pekné  hlavy, tmavé oči a hlavne výborné povahy! ...také typické Tusani Perličky a Musánkov :-)

Perla and Musafah, as you can see in their pedigrees, are not related. I have been looking forward to this pairing ever since the dogs were young and used to play together. I planned the union very carefully and I decided to leave it for Perla’s last litter when I had already got enough information about Perla’s and Musafah’s genotypes and their descendants. Perla and Musi are similar types making a very harmonic couple. They both have very good exterior potentials and very nice and well-balanced descendants. They both have given good quality litters so far without any serious irregularities.

Musafah’s strong side is a propensity for ridges
– standard, symmetric, long ridges. (
More about their descendants / list of litters, statistics.)

Perla’s progeny
maintain a height right in the middle of the standard range (rather stubbornly, even when mated with larger males and she does not have excessive white in her litters. Both of them have dark eyes and nice heads as called for in the breed standard. Neither is conflict-oriented (more family than working dogs) and are extremely calm without any signs of fear or aggression. Musafah’s only weakness is the possibility of incomplete dentition on the part of his progeny if the mate is not chosen carefully. I understand from breeding Puppet that to avoid incomplete dentition it is necessary to avoid breeding dogs with close relatives, even if generations in their families have had full dentition. Perla has, unlike Puppet, a low coefficient of relatedness and all three of her litters (3) have full dentition, so there is a high probability of full dentition with Musafah’s progeny.
I expect from this union a balanced litter without any serious irregularities, good quality exteriors, nice heads, dark eyes and especially sweet natures! ...typical little Tusani Pearls and Musis:-)
