Multi BISS, MultiCh, ICH, GrandCh, VeteranCh.
Macumazahn Tusani Pearl

"Perla" (imp. Australia)
(29/04/2002 - 11/02/2014)


63cm /32kg, wheaten colour, dark eyes, full dentition
HD 0/0, Elbow 0/0, OCD 0/0, LTV neg.

Photogallery    Shows

Veteran of
the Year 2011
Champion of the Year 2010
Champion of the Year 2006 SKCHR
Champion of the Year 2006
Champion of the Year 2004
International Champion
Champion SK, H,
Grandchampion SK, H
Hungaria Show Champion
Club Champion ČKRR, SKCHR
Veteran Champion SK
BISS at the Czech  Sp.Show 2003
BISS at the Slovak Sp.Show 2004
BISS at the Austria Sp.Show 2004
Best Slovak Bitch 2003 SKCHR
Young CLUB Winner 2003
ČKRR CLUB Winner 2003
N.K.SZ CLUB Winner 2004
KCHR CLUB Winner 2004
SK National Winner 2004
Austria National Winner 2004
SKCHR CLUB Winner 2006
Perla was awarded BISS by South African breed specialist Mr.Richard van Aken (Cartouche kennel) at the Czech Specialty Show 2003. There was a breed entry of 140!!!
at pics 5 Year old

Perla was awarded with next title:
Best Headed Bitch at the SK-Spec. Show 2003
Best Headed Bitch at the SK-Spec. Show 2004
Best Gaited RR at the SK-Specialty Show 2004
Best Gaited RR at the Danish Spec. Show 2004
Best Headed RR at the Danish Spec.Show 2004

Best Headed Bitch at the SK-Spec. Show 2006
Best Gaited RR at the SK-Specialty Show 2006
Best Headed Bitch at the CZ-Spec. Show 2006
Best Headed Bitch at the SK-Spec. Show 2008

4 Year old

Info about Perla's sibs & family:
Perla's sibs of litter "Macumzahn" kennel (Australia)
Sister "Spin" owner/breeder Ms.P.J.Edgar (Australia)
Sister"Kristal" owner: Leanne Walker  "Koninklik" kennel (Australia)
Brother "Ozzi" owner: Ulla-Britt Ekengren "Shadirydge" kennel (USA)

Perla, our sunshine, came all the way from Australia. A four month old little girl jumped off a transport-box and hugged me as tight as she could, as if she had never gone through a 24h interlanding flight  and a few hours costum-duty papering on the Amsterdam airport. She scratched and licked me all over. It was simply love at first sight. Then we spent another two days crossing Europe while little Perla was being a perfect guest both in restaurants and hotels. Perla learnt lots of interesting things staying with Paula - her breeder: Biting cables, sleeping in bed, chasing kangaroos, dive....According to Paula, she´s allways been an inventive young lady, but at the same time the most obedient of  the litter.
Little Pearl grew up into a young pretty lady with a pleasant character.
Being incredibly cuddly makes her a real women - however allways ready to go for any naughty trick. On the other hand she is rich in deliberation, receptivness and calmness. She loves gallopping in the fields changing directions over and over, swimming in the lake, romping in the snow.....and above all she loves people, dogs, horses, goats, rabbits.... She doesn´t bite cables any more, doesn´t chase kangaroos, but there is still one bad habbit she hasn´t got rid off  - sharing bed with us :-)

Perla left us in her 12 years after a stroke. We will miss her. Not a day goes by that we do not mention it to her. She is the founder of our breeding. Piece from her is still alive and will live forever in our home and each other and other the children from TUSANI ... forever.

Perla, naše slniečko, k nám pricestovala z ďalekej Austrálie. Po 24 hodinovom lete s jedným medzipristátím a niekoľkohodinovom vybavovaní colných formalít na amsterdamskom letisku z prepravky vyskočilo malé zvedavé štvormesačné dievčatko, ktoré sa mi doslova hodilo do náručia okolo krku. Celú ma doškriabala a vylízala zároveň. Bola to láska na prvý pohľad. Z Amsterdamu nás potom čakala dvojdňová cesta krížom cez Európu. Aj tú zvládla Perlička včetne hotelov a reštaurácií úplne v pohode!
(viď foto)

Z Perličky vyrástla PERLA
- krásna mladá dáma s veľmi príjemnou povahou. Je neskutočne ženským spôsobom prítulná, vždy pripravená pre každú lumpáreň a zároveň vnímavá, rozvážna a kľudná. Má rada ľudí i psov. Avšak dodnes jej zostal zlozvyk, ktorého sa nikto z nás nechce vzdať. Perla spáva s nami pod perinou. :-)

Perla nás opustila nepripravených v jej 12 rokoch po náhlej mozgovej príhode. Veľmi nám chýba a nie je dňa, že si na ňu nespomenieme. Je zakladateľkou nášho chovu a kúsok z nej stále žije a bude žiť u nás doma a v každom z ďalších deti, ktoré spoločne s jej dcérami, vnučkami a pravnúčatami odchováme... navždy.

Give a lot of kisses to Ador, Bongo and Puppet, they are waiting for you.
Many thanks for all...piece from you is still alive and will live forever in our home
and each other and other the children ... forever.
