A slight drop in weight is normal because the colostrum has laxative effect and cleans the puppy’s intestines from mekonium. Should the bitch have plenty of milk, the puppies may drink their weight. The puppies do not require special attention from the breeder. During the first 14 days, they are in their vegetative phase and spend all of their time eating or sleeping. They are isolated creatures that do not feel anything except their needs, not even their littermates. When they whimper they are either hungry or cold or need to be relieved. ... [Read more...]
Day 03.
Umbilical stub falls off. It does not require special attention unless the area is red.
Day 04.
No particular changes in the puppies’ behaviour can be observed. They sleep or suck all day and the mother helps them to pee. They poo only sporadically (once every 3-4 days), using all of the milk for growth. They gain weight every day. The mother cleans herself for about three weeks; the vaginal discharge is reddish-brown and odourless. The mother cleans the litter box and the puppies and leaves them only when she needs to go out. Ideally, the breeder only cares about the wellbeing of the mother.
Day 05.
No particular changes, the puppies are sleeping and sucking, and defecating with the mother’s help.
Day 06.
No particular changes, the puppies are sleeping and sucking and defecating with the mother’s help.
Day 07.
No particular changes, the puppies are sleeping and sucking and defecating with the mother’s help.
Day 08.
The puppies should reach double their birth weight in this period.
Monika Tušanová
used literature: Eberhard Trumler 1999
photos: Monika Tušanová
č.46,47,52 Jana Helesicova
Pregnancy kalendar was made in 2005-2007 and 2015 years. It is work and exclusive property of Monika and Richard Tusan. All rights reserved! 57342 reads