The bitch is resting and getting ready for delivery, few drops may be released from nipples when gently pressed.
Day 59
It is now time to be ready for delivery. The bitch may give birth any time now. It is advisable to measure rectal temperature every morning and evening and take notes. (See day 63)
Day 60
The foetuses grow hair on nose, extremities and belly. The size of puppies is now about 16 cm
Day 61
The foetuses grow hair on nose, extremities and belly.
Day 62
The foetuses grow hair on nose, extremities and belly.
Day 63
Shortly before delivery (12-24 hours) the bitch will refuse to eat and her rectal temperature drops from 38-39°C to 36,5-37,5°C. (i.e. by 1-2°C). The amniotic liquid may leak (straw-coloured thick liquid resembling urine). Adrenal hormones in the foetuses cause release of estrogens in placenta and this results in increased levels of uterine tissue hormones. These terminate the activity of corpus luteum (which maintain the gravidity) and relax the cervix.
Day 64 Whelping
Expected delivery day (approximate date, the delivery may start between day 59 to 67) Previous hormonal changes lead to uterine contractions and abdominal contractions and the foetuses are released. The course of delivery may differ in bitches. The foetus ready for delivery has hair grown on entire body, closed eyes and ears and the ossification of hocks and ankles is not finished. The size of the puppies is 16-22 cm (in medium to large size dogs)
Newly born puppy cleaned from afterbirth, cleaned and dry. The birth weight is between 300 to 600g. (in medium to large size dogs)
Pregnancy kalendar was made in 2005-2007 and 2015 years. It is work and exclusive property of Monika and Richard Tusan. All rights reserved! 339862/207 reads