Prvý titul "Šampión Slovenska" pre plemeno RR bol zadaný v roku 1997. Odvtedy bolo plemenu zadaných viac ako 100 týchto titulov.
Pozri kompletný archív ocenených slovenských RR.
Dear friends, This year the town of Poreč in Istria will once again be the
venue of the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Zagreb club show. Our 5th Club Show
will take place on Saturday, 17th October 2009. The judge will be
well known Belgian Rhodesian Ridgeback specialist judge Jean Pierre
Achtergael. A social dinner will take place the
evening before show. Everyone is invited, including your Ridgebacks! Come, enjoy
the beautiful Croatian seaside and help us make this 5th Club Show the best and
biggest of them all!
More informations. Best regards, Tomislav Trninic, Club secretar.