Prvý titul "Šampión Slovenska" pre plemeno RR bol zadaný v roku 1997. Odvtedy bolo plemenu zadaných viac ako 100 týchto titulov.
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Pozvánka na 1. Klubovú výstavu poľského RR klubu a NV Nowy
Targ. Možnosť získania v jednom víkende 2x CWC!!! Info, propozície a
nájdete TU. We have pleasure to invite You for historical 1st Rhodesian Ridgeback Club Dog Show in Poland. It will be 16th of August 2008 in Nowy Targ. We have invited very famous international judges: Mrs Dorota Witkowska (PL) and Mr Luis Pinto Teixeira (P). All dogs entered on this event have chance to became The Winner of the Club. We have prepared attractive awards for winners and gifts for all competitors.
After exhibition we will meet unofficially and spent some time talking about our dogs. Next day 17th of August, in the same place will be the 12th National Dog Show. Participation in both exhibitions gives oportunity to receive two certificates (CAC) for title Champion of Poland. We hope to see You. Klub Rasy Rhodesian Ridgeback.
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